Having lived in the Madison area for five years, we had forgotten about traffic - and how it can suck. About the only time Madison traffic is bad is during a rush hour and snow or a crash on the Beltline. Thankfully I was spared from the Beltline most of the time, but that's a story for another boring post.
Anyway, we were moving at an average speed of about 20 MPH for the first 10 miles or so - up until about the I-5 Border Patrol checkpoint at Camp Pendleton. Thankfully they weren't checking on a busy holiday. After the checkpoint, traffic picked back up again.
Okay, so we were a little late, taking away from prime eating and playing time. The car smelled great with a good chunk of dinner wrapped in foil and rags.
Good times overall, a fun "orphan" Thanksgiving with our family, a family recently transplanted from PA at Jason and Tami's (from New Zealand and Orange County).
Photo time...
After the squirt gun fight, we ate pie and played air hockey.

Good times! Of course any gathering with at least three members of the bike industry involves a mandatory exchange of SWAG ("stuff" we all get); I went home with a pair of sweet Hutchinson Tire socks. They nicely complement the two sets of badly needed mountain bike tires I picked up from him last Sunday.
Good times! Of course any gathering with at least three members of the bike industry involves a mandatory exchange of SWAG ("stuff" we all get); I went home with a pair of sweet Hutchinson Tire socks. They nicely complement the two sets of badly needed mountain bike tires I picked up from him last Sunday.
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