This one is an image "east of Sherwood Forest" on Green Lake, WI.

Postmarked July, 3 PM (no year is listed, but I know it's 1909 as I have another postcard from the same sender and being sent to the same recipient a few months later - both have the same stamp).

Earlville Ill
box 278
Dear friend John I recieved (sic) you (sic) card and was glad to here (sic) from you so soon. I don't get much time to write to any one we have to work so hard. how is your father is he any better. I had a long boat ride Sunday. Well there isnt much to write about so will have to say good by (sic) Bella*
At least this writer had more to say than Visiana did in the last postcard.
*I can't make out the name on either post card, so I'm naming the sender "Bella"
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