After spending a week traveling in the upper Midwest, I was happy to return to the San Diego area late on Friday night.
Saturday's highlight was running down to North Ponto beach for a little fresh air.

Celeste also took some pix herself (not shown), with her camera for her beach birthday party invites. Sadly I had the new point-and-shoot camera in crappy lo-res mode. Must remember to reset to hi-res...

Our grrrl really comes alive at the beach, she truly needs nature in her life.

Sunday involved redeeming our free LegoLand tix that we were able to score with the tix that we used back in December. The park was a ghost town - no one is visiting Carlsbad in February on overcast days during the financipocalypse. Good for us as there was virtually no waiting at any ride.
First we took a boat trip and saw some more Miniland structures:

NYC with new Freedom Tower behind Lady Liberty
We rode this spinning thing (like the classic Teacups ride) 3x without having to get out of our seat. Once we were the only ones on the entire ride.
Who knew that being pitched around by a giant robotic arm could be fun?
LegoLand received a fair amount of press last month with the Obama inaguration at their US Capitol.

They even had a model of Aretha Franklin, complete in her goofy hat. See the grey figure at the center of the pic below.

Allie out on a Sunday safari

Celeste and a sponge

Celeste learning how to drive a small, plastic Volvo-branded "car"

And a mold that pumped out 120,000,000 Lego 2x3 plates:

We spent a few bucks on some Danish plastic to bring home. Another great weekend in Southern California.
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