The site was chosen to give the photos an ethereal, dream-like quality. The beautiful colors of the bikes look fantastic shooting against such a stark background. Plus the surface is like a giant sweep.
We drove up the Sunday night before the shoot, staying at the very old-school Ludlow Motel. Exactly what you'd expect in Ludlow, CA; which is to say not much more than a place to rest your road-worn body down for a little shut-eye.
Our destination was just south of Amboy, CA - off of old Route 66.

Ahh, on the salt...
This is the only time I have ever been able to ride blindfolded. The salt "pad" is a few square miles, hardpack and manicured from time to time. No need to worry about hitting anything larger than some salt heaves - about 2" tall. I went about two minutes riding at a decent clip on one of our cruisers with my eyes shut. Trippy.
The art director really liked this chair so we borrowed it from the motel.

The art director really liked this chair so we borrowed it from the motel.

The main purpose of the location is large evaporative pits for leeching chloride out of the dirt.
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