One of the most interesting spots visited during this trip was
Glass Beach just outside of Fort Bragg.

Like many ocean-side municipalities, the city of Fort Bragg routinely dumped their trash right into the ocean. However, unlike most areas, the local tides didn't take all of the trash out to sea. After decades of pounding surf, the tons of deposited glass have been mostly polished smooth, making the beach a truly unique spot.

Consisting mostly of clear, brown and green glass pieces, but with a smattering of cobalt, opaque white, ice blue as well as polished pottery shards.

The grrrls bought a reference guide to the different colors. Many of the opaque white glass was from milk jugs, while flat ice blue pieces may have been windows or glass from framed prints.

Mixed in were small, twisted metal pieces and wire - mostly aluminum. I did manage to find part of a Trico windshield wiper blade and a bullet casing.

Certain areas of the beach provided different-sized glass. This particular cove was virtually all glass with very few natural rocks or sand mixed in.

Two freezer storage bags worth of interesting glass was collected.

Celeste naturally found other things to entertain herself with. Like this piece of kelp...

...and small spring.

Also visited was the
Point Cabrillo Lighthouse...

...which was recently restored to its 1909 condition.

that's all
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