Please have your Street Maintenance Department remove the two abrupt bumps in the bike lane, located northbound on Coast Hwy, adjacent to the Encina Power Plant.

You see, these bumps are not all that obvious when riding your bike. Especially when your at mile fifty or so of your fifty five mile ride. Even experienced riders can lose their edge when fatigued - and two sharp rises in the road are not expected when the rest of the road is in near-perfect condition.
Riders of all levels can lose control when their bikes, sending them careening towards the pavement. Contact with which can create...
broken helmets...

broken bike parts...

Please fix this section of road before more cyclists are injured.
Thank you,
Chris H.
Carlsbad, CA
I've hit those bumps too but then I am a/ not as fast as you and b/ normally encounter them on mile 5 not mile 55.
Healsoon and well.
- Graham
Nice stigmata!
Too bad about the crash. Maybe a can of rattle-can to mark it for the next time?
Yeeouch! Sorry to see that Chris.
Ouch! dood!
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