Sunday, July 28, 2024

Mostly Porsches - Strays from the XE

I had given The Spawn my sometimes buggy Minolta XG camera with a standard zoom lens. Ultimately this was not the right camera for them, and my pal Steve was super generous and shipped said Spawn a more modern (and less buggy) Canon Rebel film camera to learn with. 

So The Spawn had fired off a few exposures of expired film. I just wound it back and loaded it into my trusty (and lovely) Minolta XE + 45mm lens. to kill the roll off at the July Pre-Stage Gathering. Since I did not know just how expired the film was, I had The Darkroom push +2 when developing. Pretty impressed with the results overall - not a bad shot in the batch. Firstly, a Ford:

And onto my all-time favorite marque, Porsche. The organizers featured 930s this month and had reserved parking up front for them. 

I was more into focusing on details of the cars instead of the cars overall. Well, other than the first shot. Here goes. 

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