Monday, May 13, 2024

Excitebike 2024 via the Lynx

So my buddies Don, Joe and I put on little mountain bike picnics/outings in a southwestern suburban Chicago forest preserve (Palos for those in the know) some 30+ years ago. Just a bunch of goofballs riding trails, grilling burgers and drinking beer. We called it the Chimichanga Fat Tire Festival, a take on the Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival that's been going on for decades in Wisconsin's North Woods. Good times. 

Fast-forward to the present and Don and I both live in the Bay Area, but at opposite ends (North Bay for me, Silicon Valley for Don), and Don got the bug to rent Camp Loma, in the shadows of the Demo Forest in the Santa Cruz Mountains and have a little MTB campout with friends over a weekend in May. Instead of rehashing the former name (new event, new location, new format), it was rebranded as EXCITEBIKE after the classic Nintendo video game. Anyway, here are some shots captured with the Yaschica Lynx-1000.

Obligatory #firstoftheroll of the redwoods:

Funmaster Don:

Nice creek running thru the campground, and plenty of places to park vans, truck, or to just pitch tents. 

Getting ready to roll out. I didn't bring the Lynx out on the trails as I really didn't want to risk damaging it and film is too expensive for me to get back blurry shots as my panning skills are not top-notch. 

Just as we did at Chimichanga, a beater bike was procured for the Huffy Toss. Nothing of value was lost when it met its eventual demise. 

Post-ride pix.

Don met some of the attendees at Burning Man, and one guy brought a DJ setup. Once the sun set there was an impressive laser light show projected onto the redwoods, paired with some chill tunes. Quite fun. 

And a little air pistol target shooting. That's all. 

Again, loving this affordable and simple rangefinder. Go get one!

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