Sunday, December 23, 2012

Down On The Street

Spotted in Rancho Santa Fe during a little Saturday morning road ride was this Italian gem:
It's a 1960 Alfa Romeo Giulietta Sprint Speciale in impeccable condition, still sporting Roma license plates:
While the front end and front wheel arches are lovely, my favorite part of this specimen is the fastback rear light and how it effortlessly blends in to the decklid:
Nicely recessed back panel too.
And found on the rear decklid were these badges:
 The simple and clean interior is a speciale place indeed:
Massive wraparound on this windshield.
From what I've read, a nicely restored example such as this are worth about $150k. And for as much as I love the lines of this coupe, I can think of a whole fleet of cars (and bikes) I'd start my collection with before this.


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